These terms of use regulate the rights and obligations regarding the use of this website.
The website will for the sake of brevity be referred to as the “Company”.
Acceptance of these terms of use is deemed to have occurred upon entry and navigation of the visitor/user on this website. This acceptance constitutes his express, unconditional and irrevocable agreement to comply with these terms.
If the visitor/user disagrees with any of the terms, he/she must stop and avoid browsing this website, notifying, if he/she so wishes, the administrator.
This website reserves the right to modify the terms of use at any time and without justification, while the modifications are taken into account only if they are formulated in writing and incorporated into this text. Therefore, it is recommended to visitors. users to periodically check the content of these terms. In case of total or partial invalidity or impossibility of application of individual terms, the validity of all the remaining terms is not affected. The void that may be created in the agreement between the website and the visitor / user by the invalid term will be filled with new or modified terms that will, if possible, be appropriate to the legal purpose of the invalid term. The above applies in any case and for any issues not expressly regulated within the text of the terms of use.
Intellectual and industrial property rights
With this agreement you accept and acknowledge that the entire content of this website (documents, texts, marks, designs, images, services, electronic files, etc.) is the intellectual property of the Company from the moment of its publication on the internet and therefore it enjoys the protection of the relevant provisions of Greek and European law as well as international conventions.
As regards the intellectual and industrial property rights of third parties (e.g. collaborating websites, members or companies), their protection rests exclusively with the beneficiaries.
It is expressly prohibited in any way to use, copy, store, reproduce, republish, transmit, publish, download, translate and modify part or all of the content of this website and the services offered on it without the prior written permission of Company.
Guest / user responsibility
With this agreement, the visitor / user of the website must, on the one hand, comply with the applicable legislative and regulatory provisions, and on the other hand, refrain from the following illegal and abusive uses of the content and services of the Company’s website.
Visitors / users are expressly prohibited from:
The visitor / user of this website is obliged not to use the website to carry out the above acts, which may result in criminal prosecution or the initiation of any civil or administrative proceedings against the Company for acts, which, indicatively, and not exclusively, refer to the Criminal Code, special criminal laws, personal data protection legislation, telecommunications legislation, as well as the relevant legislation of the European Union, the National Telecommunications Commission, the Personal Data Protection Authority and any other Public or Administrative Authority and Service, as well as for actions that could infringe any right or other legal interest of the Company or a third party.
In the event that any third party takes legal action against the Company for an infringement of any of its legal property, which falls within the scope of the visitor’s / user’s responsibility as defined in the text of the terms of use, the Company reserves the right to take recourse against the visitor / user . Along with any third party claims, the Company
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